
This glossary defines some of the terms used in this specification.

Desktop entry

A desktop entry is a file with a name ending in the ".desktop" extension which conforms to the desktop entry specification with Type=Application. It describes a menu item, including a name, an icon, and what to do when the item is selected. Desktop entries are also known as ".desktop files."

Desktop-File Id

The ID to identify a desktop entry with. For desktop files installed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications, this is the same as the desktop file ID defined in the Desktop Entry Specification. In addition, if /opt/ude is defined as <LegacyDir prefix="foo-"> then /opt/ude/Settings/bar.desktop has the desktop-file id foo-bar.desktop

Directory entry

A directory entry is a file with a name ending in the ".directory" extension which conforms to the desktop entry specification with Type=Directory. It provides a localized name and an icon for a submenu. Directory entries are also known as ".directory files."

Menu path

A "menu path" is the path to a particular menu. Menu paths are always "relative" so never start with a slash character. The path to a menu is simply the <Name> of each parent of the menu, followed by the <Name> of the menu itself. For example, "Foo/Bar/Baz" is a valid menu path.

Relative path

The canonical path to a directory entry, relative to the <DirectoryDir> containing the entry. For example, if /usr/share/desktop-directories is specified as an <DirectoryDir>, the relative path to /usr/share/desktop-directories/foo/ is foo/